公布 中文名称:塑性破坏 英文名称:plastic failure 定义:岩体、土体在外力作用下出现明显的塑性变形后发生的破坏。 应用学科: 水利科技(一级学科) ;岩石力学、土力学、岩土工程(二级学科) ;土力学(水
Plastic Failure Zone 塑性破坏区
elasto-plastic failure criterion 弹塑性失效准则
plastic failure area 塑性破坏区
plastic failure load 塑性失效载荷
plastic failure loads 塑性失效载荷
whole plastic failure 全塑性失效
elasto-plastic failure 弹塑性失效
elastic-plastic failure 弹塑性失效
Ocular plastic failure repair 眼部整形失败修复
Below the critical value , the failure style belongs to brittle failure ; beyond the value , the style tends to plastic failure , and the stress-strain relationships appear to hardening trend .
参考来源 - 正融土无侧限抗压强度试验研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Ocular plastic failure, is that you?
Generally, only the plastic failure mode is considered in system reliability analysis of structures.
No matter what the shape of cutting tools is, failure procedures are simply divided into three stages: brittle failure, plastic failure, and fracture.